Friday 24 August 2012

Fear Should Fear You

My Fear is my greatest Enemy

If one were to ask me, “Who is your enemy?” I would reply it’s my fear. My greatest fear is death. Death of the loved ones makes us remember that we are still living in a mortal world. I have heard that it’s the greatest reality of life and it seems to be really true. 
The more fearful you are, the less confident you are of yourself. Death of someone who is really important to us is the ones that take and put most of us in hell holes of mental pressure. And it takes up to a whole month to regain our mental strength. The person you have been half a century just disappears like that? Well, yes, it is not as easy for us.  Thousands of people die every day in the world but we care only about our loved ones.
I’d say that you should always be ready to face whatever consequences to face in life. As a matter of fact, you should be able to take death as just another consequence in life. 
“Fear is an enemy inside of you, who gains power as you lose confidence and mental strength”
Point to Self: I still fear death. Don’t let the enemy take over you, Fight for Life.

Always starts, never completes!

This is my first blog post and I hope that I won’t stop writing posts after this first one. That was what happened to the last few blogs which i started.  It was awkward thing to do.
 I realized that it's one of my bad habits which can turn my life to the worst crap ever.  Suppose I get a good job after my studies and it’s most likely that I will drop out of it because of this simple bad habit.
 I never had some kind of hobby of my own as I grew up. I actually came up with my own theory on this. This is the theory “A person without a hobby is a person with lifeless life". I don't know if some great person ever said the same thing before but hey, it’s not plagiarized. My point is, I don’t want to make my life lifeless and I think this blog will help me for a solution.
 So, combining both these hobby and instability problem, I voted to write. Ah!! When talking about writing. You know, I started writing a novel and finished somewhat of 5 pages, including preface and that problem which i mentioned caught up with me, I stopped writing the novel.
Even i am fed up with this habit. That is why i am here people and I have been a lonely person because I am the only son. I never got a real person to share what I have in mind. Well this is wonderful because now I am sharing it to billions of people out there.
So if anyone is out there sitting at home idle, get a hobby of your own that you are interested ,which can help yourself and you and of course which is fun to you.
Point to Self: Try not to stop doing what you love and not love. In other words, DON’T BE LAZY.